WARNING: There's a site called spokeo.com that's a new online USA phone book w/personal info: everything from pics you've posted on FB or web, your approx credit score, address and home value, income, age. Remove yourself by searching your name, copy the URL of your page, then go to the bottom right corner of the page and click on the Privacy button to remove yourself. Copy & re-post so your FB friends are aware...
Does anyone have a follow up to this problem? If so please post. Thanx.
Of course the whole thing could be a scam in an attempt to get info they don't already have. I took one look at the site and turned away. Deep down I feel it's a scam.
Someone on Facebook posted a link to Snopes; it's a legitimate site but it just gathers information that's already out there on the internet. The scam part is that they want you to pay to see what they have found; and some of the information is not accurate. It's not the only site; I remember looking at a different one a year or so ago with similar options and charges. I didn't pay then either.
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Thanks Anne. I was afraid that was the story. I guess we just can't trust anybody these days.