Movie quote game
No, not Eastwood.
"He's got a gun!"
"Sergeant ..., meet your new partner."
"I'm getting too old for this."
"Do you meet anybody you don't kill?"
"I haven't killed you yet."
"Well, don't do me any favors."
"Tell you what. You get through tomorrow without killing anybody, especially me or yourself, and then I'll start trusting you."
(It was on cable the other day.)
"He's got a gun!"
"Sergeant ..., meet your new partner."
"I'm getting too old for this."
"Do you meet anybody you don't kill?"
"I haven't killed you yet."
"Well, don't do me any favors."
"Tell you what. You get through tomorrow without killing anybody, especially me or yourself, and then I'll start trusting you."
(It was on cable the other day.)
Re: Movie quote game
Must have missed it. 

eccl 2:13
"A Government big enough to give you every thing you want, is big enough to take away every thing you have."
......Thomas Jefferson......
Well, yeah. They did film -whatever the name is- part lll....or, in Long Beach. It's the one where the oil tanker delivering gas to a station and this dummy with a fire whatever shooting out store fronts hits the station and the tanker blows up. I walked down the street where the 'store fronts' that were incinerated were and it was pretty neat how they messed up the fronts of these businesses. I've been rambling here....trying to think of the name of the movie and it still 'not there'. ....nope still can't think of it.Henry J wrote:You missed Mel and Danny taking out a bunch of ex-military turned drug runners? Huh.

eccl 2:13
"A Government big enough to give you every thing you want, is big enough to take away every thing you have."
......Thomas Jefferson......
Re: Movie quote game
Lethal Weapon
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."-- Eleanor Roosevelt
Re: Movie quote game
Yep, that's the one. 

Re: Movie quote game
"Nobody calls me chicken, Needles. NOBODY!"
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."-- Eleanor Roosevelt
Re: Movie quote game
"Back to the Future"?
Re: Movie quote game
Sorry, missed your first reply on this one. You are very close to the mark on this. Only one off the mark, you might say. 

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."-- Eleanor Roosevelt
Re: Movie quote game
Now you've got it! 

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."-- Eleanor Roosevelt
Re: Movie quote game
Next one:
"Nothing could have prepared me for what happened next. One of them spoke."
Next one:
"Nothing could have prepared me for what happened next. One of them spoke."
Re: Movie quote game
Ninja Turtles......?

eccl 2:13
"A Government big enough to give you every thing you want, is big enough to take away every thing you have."
......Thomas Jefferson......