Movie quote game
You ding dong......geeze.....can't take you anywhere. 

eccl 2:13
"A Government big enough to give you every thing you want, is big enough to take away every thing you have."
......Thomas Jefferson......
Re: Movie quote game
Dante's Volcano?
Dante's Mountain?
Dante's Mountain?
Re: Movie quote game
I think you've reached your PEAK! 

eccl 2:13
"A Government big enough to give you every thing you want, is big enough to take away every thing you have."
......Thomas Jefferson......
Re: Movie quote game
Yep, I is on top of things! Er, sort of.
Dante's Peak, huh?

Dante's Peak, huh?
Re: Movie quote game
What was your first CLUE???

eccl 2:13
"A Government big enough to give you every thing you want, is big enough to take away every thing you have."
......Thomas Jefferson......
Re: Movie quote game
Oh, the first clue was the line you misquoted. 

Re: Movie quote game

eccl 2:13
"A Government big enough to give you every thing you want, is big enough to take away every thing you have."
......Thomas Jefferson......
Re: Movie quote game
"I shot down the ship that attacked us."
"You did the right thing."
"Coming from you, that means... almost nothing."
"You did the right thing."
"Coming from you, that means... almost nothing."
Re: Movie quote game

eccl 2:13
"A Government big enough to give you every thing you want, is big enough to take away every thing you have."
......Thomas Jefferson......
Re: Movie quote game
Want another line from slightly later in movie? Ok.
"Target the ...! Target everybody! Somebody FIRE!"
"Target the ...! Target everybody! Somebody FIRE!"
Re: Movie quote game

eccl 2:13
"A Government big enough to give you every thing you want, is big enough to take away every thing you have."
......Thomas Jefferson......
Re: Movie quote game

(Wanna buy a vowel?

Re: Movie quote game

"-- Phone home!"

eccl 2:13
"A Government big enough to give you every thing you want, is big enough to take away every thing you have."
......Thomas Jefferson......
Re: Movie quote game
E.T. ?
(Either or an intercom announcement that was heard in a hospital scene in one of those parody movies.
(Either or an intercom announcement that was heard in a hospital scene in one of those parody movies.

Re: Movie quote game
You were right the first time.
ok.....your turn
ok.....your turn

eccl 2:13
"A Government big enough to give you every thing you want, is big enough to take away every thing you have."
......Thomas Jefferson......